Torleya larvae are distinguished from other Ephemerellidae by characteristics associated with the legs, gills, and abdominal terga, and male adults are distinguished by genitalia. We recognize eight valid Torleya species from the Palearctic and Oriental Regions. Seven of these eight species are known as larvae and adults; only the adults of T. lutosa Kang and Yang are not known. We include new synonyms for T. major (Klapálek, 1905) (= T. nazarita Alba-Tercedor and Derka, 2003, new synonym) and T. nepalica Allen and Edmunds, 1963 (= T. glareosa Kang and Yang, 1995, new synonym; = Serratella tumiforceps Zhou and Su, 1997, new synonym; = T. arenosa Tong and Dudgeon, 2000, new synonym). Larvae of T. grandipennis Zhou, Su, and Gui are described for the first time and have maxillae with or without minute palps, paired large spines on abdominal terga, and enlarged posterolateral projections on abdominal segments 3–9 or 4–9. The first description of the larva of T. japonica (Gose) is given and shows them to be distinguished by mouthparts and abdominal armature. Torleya naga Jacobus and McCafferty new species, is described from larvae, eggs, and a male adult; it is known from Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The male adult is distinguished by genitalia, caudal filaments, and abdominal color. Larvae are distinguished by having rows of spatulate setae on the head and numerous setae on the abdominal sterna. Eggs of T. naga are distinguished by having relatively thin reticulations.
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1 August 2004
Luke M. Jacobus,
C-F. Zhou,
W. P. McCafferty
Journal of the New York Entomological Society
Vol. 112 • No. 2
August 2004
Vol. 112 • No. 2
August 2004